Handle Disconnect

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Handle Disconnect

2021-01-25 13:47:40

i'm using PUN2 and I try to handle disconnection. My goal is to display the player who is having a disconnection issue and wait for him before he is kicked out.

I read the documentation but somehow, the callback method is never called.


2021-01-25 23:16:46

Hi @Clevereen,

Thank you for choosing Photon!

  • This discussion was first posted under Photon Voice category, I have moved it to PUN category as I don't see anything Photon Voice specific.
  • MonoBehaviourPunCallbacks class already extends IInRoomCallbacks so no need to implement it in PhotonRoom just override any callback method needed from there.
  • OnPhotonPlayerDisconnected is from PUN classic, in PUN 2 it was replaced with IInRoomCallbacks.OnPlayerLeftRoom. Read more about Callbacks Changes.
  • IInRoomCallbacks.OnPlayerLeftRoom is triggered only for remote players, for the local players you have IConnectionCallbacks.OnDisconnected (or IMatchmakingCallbacks.OnLeftRoom).

2021-01-26 09:47:50

Hi @JohnTube ,

thanks for the reply. I have used the code and so far, it is not really working as intended.

Here is the result with screenshot.


Problem : The connection issue is shown only when it's "too late"
It does display on both players that a connection issue has been detected, but unfortunately it is always too late.
I can't find a solution (both remote and local) to display the issue right away and then set a countdown before the timeOut is fired.

2021-01-27 16:58:36

Found the solution... I will share later

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