OnPhotonSerializeView error IndexOutOfRangeException

I'm using
to send and receive the health of the enemy in the photon. it works most of the time, but suddenly I got countless errors. The error as shown below,
IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
Photon.Pun.PhotonStream.ReceiveNext () (at Assets/Photon/PhotonUnityNetworking/Code/PunClasses.cs:694)
Photon.Pun.PhotonTransformView.OnPhotonSerializeView (Photon.Pun.PhotonStream stream, Photon.Pun.PhotonMessageInfo info) (at Assets/Photon/PhotonUnityNetworking/Code/Views/PhotonTransformView.cs:127)
Photon.Pun.PhotonView.DeserializeComponent (UnityEngine.Component component, Photon.Pun.PhotonStream stream, Photon.Pun.PhotonMessageInfo info) (at Assets/Photon/PhotonUnityNetworking/Code/PhotonView.cs:351)
Photon.Pun.PhotonView.DeserializeView (Photon.Pun.PhotonStream stream, Photon.Pun.PhotonMessageInfo info) (at Assets/Photon/PhotonUnityNetworking/Code/PhotonView.cs:341)
Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork.OnSerializeRead (System.Object[] data, Photon.Realtime.Player sender, System.Int32 networkTime, System.Int16 correctPrefix) (at Assets/Photon/PhotonUnityNetworking/Code/PhotonNetworkPart.cs:1732)
Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork.OnEvent (ExitGames.Client.Photon.EventData photonEvent) (at Assets/Photon/PhotonUnityNetworking/Code/PhotonNetworkPart.cs:2102)
Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient.OnEvent (ExitGames.Client.Photon.EventData photonEvent) (at Assets/Photon/PhotonRealtime/Code/LoadBalancingClient.cs:3018)
ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase.DeserializeMessageAndCallback (ExitGames.Client.Photon.StreamBuffer stream) (at <11e9abbca912444aa80ed58a280369fc>:0)
ExitGames.Client.Photon.EnetPeer.DispatchIncomingCommands () (at <11e9abbca912444aa80ed58a280369fc>:0)
ExitGames.Client.Photon.PhotonPeer.DispatchIncomingCommands () (at <11e9abbca912444aa80ed58a280369fc>:0)
Photon.Pun.PhotonHandler.Dispatch () (at Assets/Photon/PhotonUnityNetworking/Code/PhotonHandler.cs:205)
Photon.Pun.PhotonHandler.FixedUpdate () (at Assets/Photon/PhotonUnityNetworking/Code/PhotonHandler.cs:139)

anyone ever encounter this? i have read the person before but i only have a single line of receivenext.
//sync health
    public void OnPhotonSerializeView(PhotonStream stream, PhotonMessageInfo info)
        if (stream.IsWriting)
            // We own this player: send the others our data
            // Network player, receive data
            health = (float)stream.ReceiveNext();

Best Answer

  • Tobias
    Tobias admin
    edited January 2021 Answer ✓
    Did you run the debugger when this happens? What is the content/value of the stream?
    Is some other component also reading the incoming stream? Then, maybe that was reading too many entries already?


  • Tobias
    This is odd. Which version of PUN 2 is it?
    How can we reproduce this? Does it happen in some specific situation or ...?
  • Tobias
    Tobias admin
    edited January 2021 Answer ✓
    Did you run the debugger when this happens? What is the content/value of the stream?
    Is some other component also reading the incoming stream? Then, maybe that was reading too many entries already?
  • qilS
    Tobias wrote: »
    This is odd. Which version of PUN 2 is it?
    How can we reproduce this? Does it happen in some specific situation or ...?

    sorry i just came back today. it is PUN 2.
    Tobias wrote: »
    Did you run the debugger when this happens? What is the content/value of the stream?
    Is some other component also reading the incoming stream? Then, maybe that was reading too many entries already?

    i guess maybe this is it. but does it mean on another photon player, I shouldn't put the lines?
  • qilS
    Thank you Tobias for the reply,