How to use IPunPrefabPool
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How to use IPunPrefabPool
2020-11-04 23:46:16
i am trying to use IPunPrefabPool to instantiate objects from AssetBundles,
but so far it is not working (other players cant see anything, the function is not triggered)
public class PhotonCustomPool : MonoBehaviour, IPunPrefabPool {
public void Destroy(GameObject gameObject) {
public GameObject Instantiate(string prefabId, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation) {
AssetBundle bundle = StreamingAssetManager.LoadAsset(prefabId);
GameObject pet2 = null;
if (bundle) {
var loadAsset = new AssetBundleRequest();
foreach (var assetBundleName in bundle.GetAllAssetNames()) {
pet2 = bundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>(assetBundleName);
if (pet2 != null) break;
pet2 = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(pet2) as GameObject;
return pet2;
Some other Class
public class PlayerNetwork_Pets : MonoBehaviour
public PhotonCustomPool photonCustomPool;
public void makePet() {
GameObject pet2 = photonCustomPool.Instantiate("1", new Vector3(), Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3()));
any help or hint would be appreciated
After hours or trying I found a work around
void SpawnPlayerEverywhere()
// You must be in a Room already
// Manually allocate PhotonViewID
int id1 = PhotonNetwork.AllocateViewID();
PhotonView photonView = this.GetComponent<PhotonView>();
photonView.RPC("SpawnOnNetwork", PhotonTargets.AllBuffered, transform.position, transform.rotation, id1);
public Transform playerPrefab; //set this in the inspector
void SpawnOnNetwork(Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot, int id1)
Transform newPlayer = Instantiate(playerPrefab, pos, rot) as Transform;
// Set player's PhotonView
PhotonView[] nViews = newPlayer.GetComponentsInChildren<PhotonView>();
nViews[0].viewID = id1;
That seems to be much easier =)
I believe the previous code could work if I used
private void Awake() {
PhotonNetwork.PrefabPool = photonCustomPool;
public void makePet() {
GameObject pet2 = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate("1", new Vector3(), Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3()));
However, this would screw up my existing code because it looks like there can be only one Pool in Photon.
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