To use dlopen, you need to use Emscripten's linking support Issues With Photon and WebGL Unity

I have implement the Multiplayer Voice Communication application in WebGL Platform using Photon Voice2 and Voice Pro plugins.
I am implement the demo for following type, get the Microphone input using Voice Pro plugin and it's input passed to the multiplayer
using Photon Voice2 Recorder Input Source Type -> Audio Clip. this is working in my unity editor. it's connected into the photon and I have hear my voice.
but, I make the WebGL build and check into browser it's not working. I have face the error and that build is not load completed.
I have face the issue in following type,

This site says...
An error occurred running the Unity content on this page. See
your browser JavaScript console for more info. The error was.
abort("To use dlopen, you need to use Emscripten's linking
support, see
Linking") at Error
at jsStackTrace
at stackTrace
at i.Module.onAbort (file:///C:/Users/nallamuthu.s/Unity/Build/
WebGL/Voice MicCheck02/8u ild/UnityLoad er.js:4:11 019)
at abort
at _dlopen
(VoiceMicCheck02.wasm.framewo rk.unitywe b:8: 179056)
at Module[dynCall_viiiiiii]
at invoke viiiiiii
(VoiceMicCheck02.wasm.framewo rk.unityvveb:8:384061)
at invoke vii
at (blob:null/7693312e-2131-454f-90da-
at invoke iiiii

Thanks in advanced.,
