Howto setup Photon on my Server

edited March 2010 in Photon Server
i had a look into the docs and saw a very detailed command summary.

My goal now is to have a server with photon and my client logging in.

How do i setup photon on my server in 6 easy steps?



  • dreamora
    Actually only three steps :)

    1. Install Photon
    2. If you own a license, ensure to alter the configuration xml file (PhotonSocketServer.xml within the src-server\bin_xxx folder), replacing the IP with your real one
    3. Start the photon socket server by starting the PhotonControl and either starting the server as application or by installing and starting it as service
  • dreamora wrote:
    Actually only three steps :)

    1. Install Photon
    2. If you own a license, ensure to alter the configuration xml file (PhotonSocketServer.xml within the src-server\bin_xxx folder), replacing the IP with your real one
    3. Start the photon socket server by starting the PhotonControl and either starting the server as application or by installing and starting it as service
    My question is about the task in order to setup photon on my server.

    For example

    Upload file x to server
    Log in with ssh and run cmd y

    I do not own a licence and what does this mean now for my configuration?
  • Tobias
    A first step would be to make Photon run on your local machine. Don't worry about the license or settings if you're using a trial.
    The files you need to deploy are the bin_win32 or x64 folder plus the binaries of your application (Lite/Lite/bin). The PhotonSocketServer.xml can be modified for different paths.

    Usually we login to remote desktop and install and run service just like on a local machine. PhotonControl offers a menu for this. The service makes sure the Photon process is not stopped when you log off the remote desktop.