How does PUN2 lift the room peers limit?

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How does PUN2 lift the room peers limit?

2020-09-25 10:13:20

My project requires 40 people in each room,but pun2 Only Up to 16 Peers per Room.


2020-09-25 10:41:59

Hi @fei,

Thank you for choosing Photon!

There is no hard limit.
The number of players is not limited in itself but it's limited by other factors: traffic, client or server resources, etc.
Read more here.


16 peers per room is a limit for rooms for gaming accounts.
this limit will be enforced soon.
this limit can be lifted for any gaming account if the use case is accepted and this will not affect other applications.

2021-02-25 16:20:15

Let me add to this...
The 16 peers/room limit applies to gaming plans (the default plans you see on our site).
Our non-gaming plans (part of Photon Industries) do not have that limit.

If you have any questions or issues regarding this limit please reach out at [email protected] . Thanks.

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