Players disappear only about 30 seconds after they disconnect

Hi, I have run into an issue while developing my game.

When one of the players disconnects from the game (Oculus quest, quit app), it takes about 30 seconds for server to fire OnPlayerLeftRoom. I would like that to happen instantly. I have set playerttl to be 0 in my room options, but it doesn't do anything. If the Player comes back into the game again, the previous instance of that player still only gets deleted after the said 30 seconds.

I also tried to write PhotonNetwork.Disconnect() in OnApplicationQuit() method, which did nothing.

Few more clues:
1. If I quit the game in Unity editor, other players see that immediately
2. I am using Photon server (same issue on photon cloud)

Any idea what I might be doing wrong? Thank you
