How to synchronize parent transform to the current PhotonViewTransform

My current PhotonView has another parent transform for the owner client which updates the position,rotation and scale, I want to Synchronize the parent tranform(Does not have a photonview) to the child(Has a PhotonView, since it is dynamically instantiated and is added as a child). How can I do that?
Any suggestions on how to get this working?


  • Add another photonView to the parent object?
  • Raghav
    edited September 2020
    Thanks for the suggestion I will try doing that.
    Will see if this works for my setup.
    My currentsetup is such that the parent object is part of the Scene and needs to dynamically decide whether it needs to be photonView object or not based on whether the game played is a multiplayer setup or the one that does not need any. The Child as mentioned in my previous post if dynamically instantiated using PhotonNetwork.Instantiate. How can the combination of Parent(an in-scene object) and a child(PhotonNetwork.Instantiated object) work?
  • Raghav
    I have currently added PhotonView and PhotonTransformView to parent object, and when the dynamically instantiated prefab(using IPunPrefabPool) which in owner side is added as a child of the parent folder I see the character is spawned for other player, but the position synchronisation happens to the owner object for the other player.