photonView.owner.TagObject = gameObject; Not Working


I'm trying to acces the gameobject that has the photon view on it by putting this line in the start function: photonView.owner.TagObject = gameObject;

and then I want to acces that objects "DidIDie" script and change it's boolean from another script on another object in the scene like so:
PhotonPlayer p = photonView.owner;
var playerPrefabObject = p.TagObject as GameObject;
playerPrefabObject.GetComponent<DidIDie>().IDied= true;

For now I'm just doing this in update but I want it to be in an if statement, but I'm getting a null reference error on " var playerPrefabObject = p.TagObject as GameObject;"

If I do it like this it's the exact same frustrating null reference error:

PhotonPlayer p = photonView.owner;
GameObject GO = p.TagObject as GameObject;
Go.GetComponent<DidIDie>().IDied= true;

I'm reading that this works for others, is it because I'm using PUN ? Why doesn't this work and why does it have to be so difficult to acces the gameobject that has the photon view on it?