Invalid worldAABB. Object is too large or too far away from the origin.

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Invalid worldAABB. Object is too large or too far away from the origin.

2020-09-04 13:12:38

Hi guys,
As I see this error mostly happening when I disconnect photon and after connect.(Not reconnect/reconnectandrejoin)
When the game start kind of RPC's and serialize view not working. Client object spawning middle of the screen (0,0,0) but must be something like (5,0,0). Title error logging on master when client data received for sync.

1)Is it about PhotonNetwork.automaticallySyncScene or my disconnection setup?
2)Do I need to wait OnDisconnectedFromPhoton callback?
Btw this is my disconnect function:



Thanks in advance.


2020-09-09 13:43:59

I debugged player receiving position in OnPhotonSerializeview and player position y not sending correctly. This is happening really low chance but how it's possible? All other photon related things working such as rpc.

This is one of received value: -6.072495E-29

void Update()  
		if (photonView.IsMine)  


	public void OnPhotonSerializeView(PhotonStream stream, PhotonMessageInfo info)  
		if (stream.IsWriting)  
		else if (stream.IsReading)  
			currentTime = 0.0f;  
			lastPacketTime = currentPacketTime;  
			currentPacketTime = info.SentServerTime;  
			positionYAtLastPacket = transform.position.y;

			paddleY = (float)stream.ReceiveNext();  

	void SyncOtherPlayerPos()  
		double timeToReachGoal = currentPacketTime - lastPacketTime;  
		currentTime += Time.deltaTime;

		transform.position = Vector2.Lerp(new Vector2(transform.position.x, positionYAtLastPacket), new Vector2(transform.position.x, paddleY), (float)(currentTime / timeToReachGoal));  

Other paddle coming middle of the screen. This mean x value = 0. But this value just assigning on player created as locally.

PhotonNetwork.Instantiate("Player", new Vector3(spX, 0f, 0f), Quaternion.identity);  

When this happened game timer rarely printing infinity.

float timer = (float)(PhotonNetwork.Time - startTime);

			float passedTime = totalTime - timer; //infinity  

Which part am I missing?

2021-10-06 17:21:58

I am facing this issue, but in my case rpc are not working but transform is. Any help?

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