How to store names and scores and send them back to players in next level?


In my multiplayer tournament game the last survivor wins the match and top three get points (medals) in each level of the tournament. There are 10 levels to play through in each tournament.

When a new level loads, all players respawn and I gave them all slots for medals that appear in said slots if a player ends in the top three, but those obviously disappear when a new level loads, so:

How do I store what players ended where in the top three in a script that has don't destroy on load in it, and then RPC back to each player what medals (if any) they should have and in what slot?

After all ten levels have been played through the list needs to be sorted to find the clear top three of the tourney.


  • Anybody?
  • Paras
    I think you should look into player custom properties and store the scores there. In that way you can loop through the PlayerList and fetch the scores.