PUN2 Webgl PeerCreated Stuck Problem

Im kinda familiar with Photon. I use Pun 2.21 and Unity 2019.4.
My problem is next. I built for webgl for itch.io and the process is stuck at "peer created" status.

I have already tried change to TCP,Websocket, WebSocket Secure,... i even tried some port, but i stayed at 0. "usenameserver" is ticked.
I modified websocket sharp .. webgl is ticked. ( I had to be able to build webgl)

I would be grateful any idea what can cause this problem.
(In editor it works just fine)
Thank you for your replies


  • Arnesso
    I get more information from Browser Console
    SocketImplementationConfig is null for protocol WebSocket: {(ConnectionProtocol)Udp=(RuntimeType)ExitGames.Client.Photon.SocketUdp, (ConnectionProtocol)Tcp=(RuntimeType)ExitGames.Client.Photon.SocketTcp}
    (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

    This one is built with webSocket protocol