Instantiating a gameobject and syncing it

Hi There, I've spent months working through PUN2 documentation and tutorials and with much trial and error I am at a point where both players connect to the same room and the game scene launches.

There are no moving parts other than a timer and a score that I need to send/receive. I have added IPunObservable and added the necessary gameobjects that need to be sent/recieived as the example in the basics tutorial.

What happens: The timer only appears on the MasterClient (as it would) but does not appear on the other players game.

Photon registers the Photonviews applied.

What I want: The timer to be synced and instantiated from the Masterclient to all players


  • vbs
    edited August 2020
    i dont know how efficient this is, or is it even a good idea to send data every second but i used raise event function in my game.
  • I have found solutions using Custom Player Properties and the callback PlayerPropertiesUpdated -
    I'll take a look at raise event, assuming that the masterclient would raise the event to other clients to instantiate the slider game object.