Join Lobby Fail after connect to Master Server

Hope someone can assist, I'm now getting my feet wet with the server side of Photon.

I set up a windows server 2019 instance on AWS EC2, I am pretty certain all of the networking is set up correctly. I run the photon LoadBalancing on the server as a service, I run the test client, it all works.

I develop with Corona SDK (Solar 2d now) so documentation is a little sparse.

On the client end I call a general connect to the NameServer, calling my server IP and port, Name Server connection succeeds. I then connect to the Master Server, which goes through successfully.

State 4 is reached and as the client tries to connect to the main lobby: 'LoadBalancingClient: Master: Join Lobby nil nil ...'

I get: 'ERROR LoadBalancingClient: 65534 Unknown operation code'

Not sure why its not connecting past master server into a lobby.

FYI the client side works when I connect to the PhotonCloud Realtime IP, just not my self hosted.


  • chvetsov
    hi, @Megab1ts

    could you switch on DEBUG logs for mastger server and provide us server side logs from deploy/logs folder

    To switch on server side logs you have to got to deploy/loadbalancing/Master/bin/log4net.config and update it
