How can I apply damage to my player character? And sync value across players

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How can I apply damage to my player character? And sync value across players

2020-07-28 13:27:03

I am trying to develop a small multiplayer game. I have a bomb script and every time player hits the bomb button, a bomb is instantiated and exploded after the timer is up. I applied a overlapping sphear to get players in effecting area.. And the players in the area are getting the bombs explosion effect as in getting force from explosion. All works fine expect my damage script. Once a player is damaged all players get that damage. I tried making health an observable component. But all coming up with errors.

How would you approach this problem


2021-01-01 10:28:08

PhotonView pht = collision.gameObject.getComponent();

void TakeDamage(int damage)

you can do this like that

2021-01-01 19:54:26

Take a look at this Example.

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