End Game a multiplayer Game

Hello, I'm beginer with Photon and I am developing a multiplayer Pong game. I managed to develop the game and make the conditions for victory. But I'm looking

1) How to end a game properly by removing all players from a room and returning to the main menu (the player is disconnected from the server)

2) Return to the lobby while remaining connected to the master server, ready to search for a new game.

Can you help me perform the correct method please ?


  • This is my code and it function well, but i have a message issue at the line ( PhotonNetwork.LeaveRoom())
    In my debug console it say: Operation LeaveRoom(254) not called beacause client is not connected or not ready yet, client state: leaving
        void Update()
            // Win condition
            if (scoreP1.score == scoreVictoire)
                textVictoire.text = "Player 1 win";
                finDePartie = true;
            else if (scoreP2.score == scoreVictoire)
                textVictoire.text = "Player 2 win";
                finDePartie = true;
            // lorsque la balle n'est plus en jeux et la partie n'est pas fini
            if (ballEnJeu == false && finDePartie == false)
                    ballEnJeu = true;
        public void SpawnBall()
            GameObject ball = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate("BallOnline", spawnBallPoint.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
            ballEnJeu = true;
            finDePartie = false;
        // à la deconnexion de la salle, changement de scene et retour au menu principal
        public override void OnDisconnected(DisconnectCause cause)
            Debug.Log("cause de la deconnexion: " + cause.ToString());
        public override void OnLeftRoom()
        private IEnumerator EndGame()
            float timer = 5.0f;
            while (timer > 0.0f)
                yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
                timer -= Time.deltaTime;
            Debug.Log("sortie de chambre");