SceneLoadLocalDone called before scene loaded

If I start up a server and look at the active scene during the SceneLoadLocalDone callback, it tells me the previous scene ("Main") is still loaded. If I then search the scene for certain GameObjects I just get null references back:

GAME: Loading scene DemoScene...
BOLT: Scene DemoScene enqueued to load 
BOLT: Found 0 Scene Objects 
GAME: SceneLoadLocalDone (Scene=DemoScene Token=null) 
GAME: SceneManager.GetActiveScene() = (Name=Main Loaded=True) 
GAME: Scenario = null
BOLT: Loading DemoScene (2) 
GAME: Spawner.Awake
GAME: Unity_OnSceneLoaded (Scene=DemoScene) 
GAME: SceneManager.GetActiveScene() = (Name=DemoScene Loaded=True) 
GAME: Scenario = Scenario (Scenario)

Is this expected behavior?

Unity 2019.3.13f1
Bolt 1.2.13
