Question about optimising RPCs and PUN in general


I'm working on my first Photon project for mobile and got a working matchmaking and game loop set up, but I've got a question about optimisation before we launch our game.

So, the game is a pretty simple 1v1 sports game where you move a character and hit a ball to your opponent. The game should be super light as only the positions where you move your character or hit the ball are shared to your opponent with RPCs and the rest is simulated locally. However, the ball can get really fast in the game and the delay with RPCs will become noticeable.

I'm currently using this, as you can't send vectors I've just split the vectors to X and Y floats;

private void BallHit() 
photonView.RPC("ShareHit", RpcTarget.Others, hit.x, hit.y, land.x, land.y, curve.x, curve.y, speed);

private void ShareHit(float hitX, float hitY, float landX, float landY, float curveX, float curveY, float speed)
// Hit from enemy, simulate with the received values

Is this a proper way of sharing a hit? It works but I feel like there could be room for improvement. Also as the game doesn't need to share data every frame and the movements are simulated locally, are there any options/features within PUN I don't need which I could disable and improve the game?

Thanks in advance!