PUN2. Received RPC but this PhotonView does not exist!

Today i have updated my project from PUN v1 to PUN 2.19, and i'm facing some quite strange behaviour.
I'm using Unity 2018.1.1f1.
My networked gameObjects are destroyed through RPC:
    public void DestroyActor(int hitmanId)
        if (!photonView.IsMine) { return; }
        if (isDead) { return; }
        isDead = true;
        photonView.RPC("ActorDeathRPC", RpcTarget.All, hitmanId);

    public void ActorDeathRPC(int hitmanId)
I'm starting the game, with me as a master client and no other clients connected. First 1-5 minutes everything is working just fine. Then i'm starting to recieve warnings:
[Warning] Received RPC ""ActorDeathRPC"" for viewID 59 but this PhotonView does not exist! Was remote PV. Remote called. By: #01 'Player' Maybe GO was destroyed but RPC not cleaned up.
So, some of the gameObjects are not able to recieve RPC and destroy themselves, others recieving RPCs and getting destroyed as expected.
I've looked the trace of this warning (PhotonNetworkPart), and it seems that target PhotonView is not in the photonViewList, but removedFromLocalViewList property of the view is False. So it was added to photonViewList dictionary, was not removed from that dict, and cant be found when it recievs RPC.

Can you please help me to solve this issue?


  • Well it seems the problem is with NonAllocDictionary class.
    When there is more networked objects than NonAllocDictionary capacity, its not working whatsoever.
    Would be nice to see a fix asap.
  • emotitron
    emotitron ✭✭✭

    Yup, that is a brand new class we added, looks like you are the first to find a bug! I'll take a look today, thanks for the report.

  • emotitron
    emotitron ✭✭✭
    Fix has been made, but we won't be able to get it onto the Asset Store as an update until tomorrow. You can ping me in Discord if you would like the replacement dll. I will be testing it today.


    Sorry about that!
  • emotitron wrote: »
    Thanks a lot! I'll wait for an update on the Asset Store.
  • Ahhhh.... this thing is bugging me whole day long. 'Great' to hear that it's a bug.

    Thanks for fixing asap!
  • emotitron
    emotitron ✭✭✭
    Fixed now in 2.19.1 - Thanks for letting us know!