Microphone not transmitting from MacOS in build


I apologize in advance if someone has asked this already, but I couldn't find anything related in my searches. Also, I'm relatively new to developing on MacOs.
So the issue we are having recently is that the application works well on windows, both in editor and build, but on mac devices it only works in editor. The voice activity icon does show when the other person is trying to speak, but there is no sound received on other players. The setup is pretty basic, and we also tried the demo scene to see if maybe we had made some setup mistakes, however it didn't work there either.

We tried making the build from both windows and a mac editor, tried checking and requesting microphone permissions, which seem to be granted.

Any insight or advice on this would be appreciated :)

Thank you.


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @ctalpos,

    Thank you for choosing Photon!

    Update to the latest Photon Voice 2 if you're not using it alreadyt.

    I would double check permissions for the microphone.
    Try transmitting AudioClip to see if it works.