Photon performance and messages per room


my name is Gregory. For sometime I have been trying to make a 2D top-down MOBA. I use Photon PUN and a free server for 20 players on Photon Cloud.

Classic matches for 10 players in a lobby, 5vs5, however I have read about the recommended 500 msg/per sec/per room and I don't know if 10 players aren't too much?

I use OnPhotonSerializeView to synchronize movement, the rest I do with RPC's. I have launched 4 clients and made tests,
giving the players Photon Stats GUI, but I can't properly analyze what I see there.


Does the average traffic, seen there, means that i.e. the player is sending and receiving 11 messages per second?
If so, then it would mean that for players generate about 60 messages per second, but I'm probably wrong.

I don't know what to think, I don't quite understand how it works and how to count it, so I ask for your help. I want my game properly optimized and without lags.

Are Photon PUN and Cloud appropriate for such a game? How do I understand the data from the picture? Have you got any advice?

I don't if I should continue development on Photon or look for other solution.