Playfab Integration problem

Hello! I am trying to do a PlayFab Integration lesson. And I have a problem with that.

1. I uploaded the .zip file to the Playfab server and made the settings. The virtual machine says State: Running Health, Status: Healthy. But the virtual server State: Initializing is in a loop. After several attempts, I get the status PendingHeartbeat. But I still can’t connect.

2. I tried to do local debugging with MockVmAgent. In the process, I see many repetitions of CurrentGameState: Initializing. And then CurrentGameState: Terminated. CurrentGameState: StandingBy and CurrentGameState: Active I do not see.

I can’t understand what could be the problem.
Maybe I missed something?

    "RunContainer": false,
    "OutputFolder": "C:\\PlayFabTests",
    "NumHeartBeatsForActivateResponse": 1,
    "NumHeartBeatsForTerminateResponse": 60,
    "AgentListeningPort": 56001,
    "AssetDetails": [
            "MountPath": "C:\\Assets",
            "LocalFilePath": "C:\\DATA\\UNITY3D\\MyProjects\\Playfab\\Playfab\\"
    "GameCertificateDetails": [],
    "PortMappingsList": [
                "NodePort": 56100,
                "GamePort": {
                    "Name": "bolt_server",
                    "Number": 60001,
                    "Protocol": "UDP"
                "NodePort": 56100,
                "GamePort": {
                    "Name": "master_server1",
                    "Number": 5055,
                    "Protocol": "UDP"
                "NodePort": 56100,
                "GamePort": {
                    "Name": "master_server2",
                    "Number": 27001,
                    "Protocol": "UDP"
                "NodePort": 56100,
                "GamePort": {
                    "Name": "game_server1",
                    "Number": 5056,
                    "Protocol": "UDP"
                "NodePort": 56100,
                "GamePort": {
                    "Name": "game_server2",
                    "Number": 27002,
                    "Protocol": "UDP"
                "NodePort": 56100,
                "GamePort": {
                    "Name": "name_server1",
                    "Number": 5058,
                    "Protocol": "UDP"
                "NodePort": 56100,
                "GamePort": {
                    "Name": "name_server2",
                    "Number": 27000,
                    "Protocol": "UDP"
     "ProcessStartParameters": {
        "StartGameCommand": "Playfab.exe -batchmode -nographics"
    "ContainerStartParameters": {
        "StartGameCommand": "C:\\Assets\\Playfab.exe",
        "ResourceLimits": {
            "Cpus": 0,
            "MemoryGib": 0
        "ImageDetails": {
            "Registry": "",
            "ImageName": "playfab/multiplayer",
            "ImageTag": "wsc-10.0.17763.973.1",
            "Username": "",
            "Password": ""
    "SessionConfig": {
        "SessionId": "ba67d671-512a-4e7d-a38c-2329ce181946",
        "SessionCookie": null,
        "InitialPlayers": [ "Player1", "Player2" ]
    "TitleId": "",
    "BuildId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "Region": "WestUs"


  • ramonmelo
    Hello @fill ,

    Thanks for using Photon Bolt.

    We will check the sample again, and let you know if there is something you need to change or not.

    Sorry the inconvenience.
    Ramon Melo
    Photon Bolt Team
  • fill
    @ramonmelo Thanks!

    In my last attempt to run locally.

    I found an error on shutdown.
    I hope this is how it will help.
    CurrentGameState: Initializing
    info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ObjectResultExecutor[1]
    Executing ObjectResult, writing value of type 'Microsoft.Azure.Gaming.AgentInterfaces.SessionHostHeartbeatInfo'.
    info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker[2]
    Executed action MockVmAgent.Controllers.SessionHostController.ProcessHeartbeat (MockVmAgent) in 10.8898ms
    info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Diagnostics[2]
    Request finished in 11.3011ms 200 application/json; charset=utf-8
    Server is Shutting down
    (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

    at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour.IsObjectMonoBehaviour(UnityEngine.Object)
    at UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour.StartCoroutine (System.Collections.IEnumerator routine) [0x00014] in <73b499366e5241bda47e5da76897738b>:0
    at Bolt.Samples.PlayFab.PlayFabHeadlessServer.OnShutdown () [0x00011] in <888cf0df5aff4dbd8f3e572f24b50acf>:0
    at PlayFab.PlayFabMultiplayerAgentAPI.ProcessAgentResponse (PlayFab.MultiplayerAgent.Model.HeartbeatResponse heartBeat) [0x00110] in <c720ccf69fc74bea89c81291df02c542>:0
    at PlayFab.PlayFabMultiplayerAgentAPI+<SendHeartBeatRequest>d__51.MoveNext () [0x00275] in <c720ccf69fc74bea89c81291df02c542>:0
    at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in <73b499366e5241bda47e5da76897738b>:0

    (Filename: <73b499366e5241bda47e5da76897738b> Line: 0)

    state: PlayFab.MultiplayerAgent.Model.HeartbeatRequest, payload: {"CurrentGameState":"Terminated","CurrentGameHealth":null,"CurrentPlayers":[]}
    (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

    info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Diagnostics[1]
    Request starting HTTP/1.1 POST application/json 78
    info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker[3]
    Route matched with {action = "ProcessHeartbeat", controller = "SessionHost"}. Executing controller action with signature System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.IActionResult] ProcessHeartbeat(System.String, Microsoft.Azure.Gaming.AgentInterfaces.SessionHostHeartbeatInfo) on controller MockVmAgent.Controllers.SessionHostController (MockVmAgent).
    CurrentGameState: Terminated
  • Hi @fill and @ramonmelo

    I was struggling with the same issue and managed to solve it. There is a bug in the sample.

    Two PlayFabMultiplayerAgentView components are created;

    once in PlayFabMultiplayerAgentAPI.Start() ~lines 103-106
    if(_agentView == null)
    _agentView = new GameObject("PlayFabAgentView");

    and again in PlayFabHeadlessServer.GamerServer.PlayFabStart() ~line 34


    Since it is a singleton, the second instance gets destroyed and thus destroys your PlayFabHeadlessServer gameobject.

    Comment out ~lines 103-106 so that only one PlayFabMultiplayerAgentView is added to your PlayFabHeadlessServer gameobject and set to DontDestoryOnLoad

    if(_agentView == null)
    //_agentView = new GameObject("PlayFabAgentView");
    After this everything worked! Hope this helps!

  • ramonmelo
    Hello @mybigorangehead ,

    Thanks for your feedback! We will update the sample.
  • fill
    Hello @mybigorangehead. Thanks for you help!