UserID is random everytime instead of the one provided with AuthValues

We're using the following logic:
GameClientInstance.NickName = accountData.Nickname;
        GameClientInstance.UserId = accountData.AccountID;
        GameClientInstance.AuthValues = new AuthenticationValues(accountData.AccountID) {
            AuthType = CustomAuthenticationType.Custom,

Indented Result:
UserId after connecting to Photon is always the provided one (accountData.AccountID)

Actual Result:
UserId provided by Photon server is always a random unique one

Any help would be greatly appreciated


  • chvetsov
    hi, @GrumpyOwlGames

    UserId happens to be random because server did not get userId neither from CustomAuthResponse nor from authRequest. Please check that what you send to server in auth request really contains UserId.
    if it does not than ask in PUN section, if it does we will dig dipper here

  • GrumpyOwlGames
    Hi @chvetsov

    Thank you for your reply, your suggestion worked.
    Indeed, the userId was not set before connecting. I changed the order of execution and now it functions as it should.

    Thank you!