How to identify our own player ?

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How to identify our own player ?

2020-04-13 11:50:54

I need to indentify each players because I want to Initialise each Player in a different location. I tried to use the LocalPlayer but when I look into the LocalPlayer, every player has the same UserID, ActorNumber, NickName etc...
I also tried the PlayerNumbering, it doesn't seem to work either. I didn't find any other informations in the documentation.


2020-04-13 13:28:07

Hi @Steve,

Thank you for choosing Photon!


I tried to use the LocalPlayer but when I look into the LocalPlayer, every player has

Why do you need to look at every player if you have LocalPlayer? LocalPlayer is a single unique player not many.

every player has the same UserID, ActorNumber

This is not possible in the same room.

I think maybe the issue you are having is that you are testing on different clients and clients are joined to different rooms. If it's the case make sure clients are joined to the same room. See "Matchmaking Checklist". If it's not the case then there is something wrong with your code and share your snippet here and what you have tried exactly + PUN version.

2020-04-13 15:21:04

Before connecting to the Photon servers, set the value of PhotonNetwork.NickName to some random string.

Once you joined a room, check PhotonNetwork.PlayerList to see which players are in that room.

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