Photon bolt custom authentication with playfab

Hi, I'm new on bolt and I would love some help :)

I'm trying to use the playfab as my authentication server, but I'm having some problems using the code from the doc.

Just like here (in the "Client Side" section) I'm trying to do this after calling PlayFabClientAPI.GetPhotonAuthenticationToken to get the playfab token:
AuthenticationValues auth = new AuthenticationValues();

auth.AuthType = CustomAuthenticationType.Custom;
auth.AddAuthParameter("username", loginResult.PlayFabId);
auth.AddAuthParameter("token", photonAuthResult.PhotonCustomAuthenticationToken);
auth.UserId = loginResult.PlayFabId;

var platform = new PhotonPlatform(new PhotonPlatformConfig()
    AuthenticationValues = auth


The problem is with the part where I instantiate the PhotonPlatformConfig passing the AuthenticationValues. I'm getting the following error: 'PhotonPlatformConfig' does not contain a definition for 'AuthenticationValues'

I couldn't find the reference to PhotonPlatformConfig with AuthenticationValues set anywere other than on the documentation. If I'm doing it wrong, can anyone please show me the way? Thanks.

The versions I'm currently using are:
Unity: 2019.3.1f1
Photon Bolt: 1.2.11b
