PUN Throwing Objects Collision Lag Compensation

Im developing a 3v3 multiplayer game where each players has a ball and they can throw it. The players and the balls are synced via photonview. I use OncollsionEnter on player i hit by a gameobject tagged as "Ball".
The movement of player are kinda smooth and the ball which threw by force is also kinda smooth, BUT my problem there is lag compensation problem.
I have read almost all lag compensation techniques, i count PhotonNetwork- info.SentServerTime differences , but I still experience .. the ball is not near the other player ,but it hits them. ( not only on client side ,but sometimes the master see the same)

Can you advice anything for these kind of lag compensations ?

(There are boxcollider on head and body as hitbox) Maybe these are behaving not the proper way ? )
Thank you for any idea