Custom Instantiation Data

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2020-03-28 20:13:36

its not possible to send GameObject or Components with this technique ? :

object[] myCustomInitData = GetInitData();  
PhotonNetwork.Instantiate("MyPrefabName", new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity, 0, myCustomInitData);  
Receive custom data:  
public void OnPhotonInstantiate(PhotonMessageInfo info)  
    object[] instantiationData = info.photonView.InstantiationData;  
    // ...  

Thank you


2020-03-30 10:39:21

Right. GameObject and Components are not serializable.
What you can do is create a script for the prefab to enable/disable components or subobjects on demand. Then send a bool[] which ones need to be active.

2020-03-30 12:41:27

Ok thank you, that help me.

2020-11-29 03:29:19

@Tobias how can a make my own object[] myCustomInitData?
I have to pass some int values to the OnPhotonInstantiate but I can't figure out how to do it.

2020-11-29 11:29:43


int number = 12;  
string word = "hello";

object[] myCustomInitData = new object[]  
        PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(Path.Combine("Players", "Player" , transform.position, Quaternion.identity, 0, myCustomInitData);

public class RandomCall : MonoBehaviourPun, IPunInstantiateMagicCallback  
    public void OnPhotonInstantiate(PhotonMessageInfo info)  
        object[] instantiationData = info.photonView.InstantiationData;

        int number = (int)instantiationData[0];  
        string word = (string)instantiationData[1];  
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