PUN2 Ability Synchronisation

Hello I am making a game with unity were there are 2 players with diferent abilities.
The abilities are scripts placed on buttons. When someone presses an ability button the ability executes.
For example the first player has a button with an ability script that moves a cube up and the other player has a button with an ability script that destroys the same cube.
How can eatch player synchronise his ability action with the other?
I thought of using RPCs but because eatch player has his unique script and button, it can't work.
What sould I do?


  • Tobias
    Check out RaiseEvent. It's independent from networked objects / PhotonViews.
  • BillyTheKid
    I checked it out and I have a question. The code that triggers the event will be on the ability scripts. Where should I put the code that recieves the event and does the action?
  • seeevil
    first step
    private void OnEnable()
            PhotonNetwork.NetworkingClient.EventReceived += NetworkingClientOnEventReceived;
    private void OnDisable()
            PhotonNetwork.NetworkingClient.EventReceived -= NetworkingClientOnEventReceived;

    second step
    private void NetworkingClientOnEventReceived(EventData obj)
            if (obj.Code == your_code)
                //DO SOMETHING

    but do not forget to send before you receive an answer
  • BillyTheKid
    Where should I put the code of the second step that receives the event. I can't put it in the ability script because each player has his unique ability script. Should I make a new script that is common for both players and it's running the code of the second step?