Game with 0 Actors is still in cache


I am running my game with Photon on premises
The game itself runs fine, but overtime I will get a lot of empty rooms stuck in memory causing degraded performance. I can see a lot of messages like this:
2020-03-21 13:51:15,015 [88] WARN  Photon.LoadBalancing.GameServer.Game - Game with 0 Actors is still in cache:'RoomCache: RoomInstance entry found for room 5e791da9-85ad-46a4-9473-ded60fdac50b: RoomInstance for Room 5e791da9-85ad-46a4-9473-ded60fdac50b: 3 References
- Reference ID 356d25b8-e34d-44e6-938e-515eceb23124, hold by Peer GameClientPeer: PID 31280, IsConnected: False, IsDisposed: True, Last Activity: Operation 226 at UTC 3/3/2020 5:20:57 PM in Room , IP, 
- Reference ID 44204c8f-22ec-48c0-a4f1-ec8c1d17f6ba, hold by Peer GameClientPeer: PID 46767, IsConnected: False, IsDisposed: True, Last Activity: Operation 226 at UTC 3/1/2020 4:51:09 AM in Room , IP, 
- Reference ID 0af79df2-0b58-42b2-b809-7bedc9abd7bc, hold by Peer GameClientPeer: PID 31285, IsConnected: False, IsDisposed: True, Last Activity: Operation 226 at UTC 3/3/2020 5:21:00 PM in Room , IP, 
'. Actors Dump:'Dump of Actors: ', RemovePath:''

The client seems to have been "disposed" but it is not being garbage collected and is keeping a reference to the room, any idea on why this would happen?


  • chvetsov
    hi, @ltx

    I think we fixed this quite long time ago and I can not describe what was the issue.

    we are going to release Photon 5 soon and I think this issue will not bother you although you still may see messages like this.
