Problem moving an owned scene object using another object (Ownership transfer)

I have a VR multiplayer game with the following scene:
- two players (A & B)
- a stack of cubes

each cube:
- has a PhotonView a PhotonRigidBody correctly connected
- default ownership set to 0 (Scene)
- ownership mode set to "Takeover"

When Player A grabs a cube:
- isKinematic is set to TRUE
- Ownership is transferred from 0 (Room) to the Player A user Id

during the manipulation, everything works well and both players can see the cubes synchronised.

When Player A release the cube a cube:
- isKinematic is set to TRUE
- Ownership is transferred from the Player A user Id to the scene (0)

The transfer on release happens only when the cube velocity gets to zero, otherwise, the player wouldn't be able to throw the cube (the cube would go back to the last position occupied when the ownership passed to the room which makes sense)


if Player A uses the cube to hit another cube something strange(but expectable) happens: the second cube moves but then it gets back to the original position. I think this is due to the fact that the other cube has ownership set to 0 (Scene) and so the position cannot be updated simply by hitting it as there is no ownership transfer.

I thought of transferring ownership on collision too (when a cube owned by the room is hit by a cube owned by a player an ownership transfer gets triggered).

Is there any better workaround for this?