Using InstantiateSceneObject, but IDs of object are not same across clients

Using PUN 2, call looks like this, and is only called on the master:
GameObject newBot = PhotonNetwork.InstantiateSceneObject(, spawnptV3, Quaternion.identity, 0);

Prefab is in Resources folder. Object gets instantiated on both master and client, but view IDs are different, and this is causing other problems. I noticed with the inspector, when running, that the object on the master is NOT owned by Scene, which also seems wrong....why would this be? I wouldn't think it possible to have an object created using InstantiateSceneObject to be owned by anything other than Scene.

I can work around this problem by placing static objects in the scene instead of using InstantiateSceneObject....then I can finally stream messages to change position and what not...but I don't really want to do it this way, it's kind of cumbersome. I have spent days googling for a solution....the closest thing I have found is the Asteroids demo, which seems to work properly using InstantiateSceneObject....but after examining the code, is not apparent what I might be doing differently that is causing InstantiateSceneObject NOT to work.
