Multiplayer stop displaying remote Avatar

The game has been working fin for sometime, GetGameObject<OvrAvatarRemoteDriver>() returned null every time . below is the code. I have ran out of options.

private void OnEnable()
Debug.Log("PhotonAvatarView OnEnable().");

if (this.initialized)
photonView = GetComponent<PhotonView>();

if (photonView.IsMine)
ovrAvatar = GetComponent<OvrAvatar>();
Debug.Log("PhotonAvatarView.OnEnable()! oculusUserID = " + this.ovrAvatar.oculusUserID);
ovrAvatar.RecordPackets = true;
ovrAvatar.PacketRecorded += OnLocalAvatarPacketRecorded;
packetData = new List<byte[]>();

remoteDriver = GetComponent<OvrAvatarRemoteDriver>();
Debug.Log("PhotonAvatarView.OnEnable()! remoteDriver Tag " + remoteDriver.tag);

this.initialized = true;

will appreciate any help. thanks