Oculus Quest and PUN 2 ... Working?

We have been struggling getting PUN 2 to work with the Oculus. I have been reading the messages on this board and it appears that this is a common problem. We too have tried the to "tutorial" on the Photon Engine website without success. We have hired outside programmers to work on it. They have also not been able to get it to work properly. Has anyone been able to get PUN 2 to work with the Oculus Quest? Is there a working example source somewhere that we could look at and figure out what we are doing wrong? Any help would be appreciated. This has been a long and frustrating experience. Thank you in advance.


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    Hi @jamesmunro2,

    Thank you for choosing Photon!

    What you are referring to as "Photon 2" is actually "PUN 2" or "Photon Unity Networking 2".
    It's the second major version of "PUN".
    What you are referring to as "Photon 1" is actually "PUN Classic" or "PUN 1".

    Naming is important as it can be confusing and could get messy.

    Anyway, the Oculus Avatar SDK tutorial for PUN is no longer linked to from our documentation website.
    However, PUN Classic and PUN 2 are compatible with Oculus Quest.

    We need to know the specific precise issues you are having in order to be able to help you.

    EDIT by @Kaiserludi:
    I have edited the starting post and the title of this thread and replaced occurrences of "Photon 2" with "PUN 2" to avoid confusion for future readers
  • Yes I am referring to PUN 2. Are you saying that the tutorial below is no longer correct?


    It pops up in google when searching for Pun2 and Oculus.

    If it is not currently used, might I suggest removing or change the page to indicate that it is no longer supported.

    If it is currently used, It is the tutorial I am having difficulty with.

    Thank you.
  • OneManArmy
    OneManArmy ✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    "We need to know the specific precise issues you are having in order to be able to help you."

    "It is the tutorial I am having difficulty with."
    Be more specific. Explain on which step you have problem... what exactly is not working?
  • @OneManArmy

    I am sorry if the background information I gave about my struggles added confusion to the two questions I had asked in my post.

    1. Has anyone been able to get Pun 2 to work with the Oculus Quest?

    The answer I got from @JohnTube said it does, but it appears the tutorial I was using was removed and I had not noticed that since I could still access it through Google and assumed it was still active.

    2. Is there a working example from which we could learn?

    I did not get an answer to this question... but I assume (especially after hearing they removed the Oculus Avatar example) that there is no tutorial or example scene showing how to set this up.
  • TonyESS
    This is something I am curious about as well. I had started following the tutorial last week, and now it is gone. Clearly this one done on purpose by the above comment, but am curious as to why. Did it not work?
  • Tobias
    The "tutorial" for the Oculus Avatar SDK became outdated. We will try to update it but for the time being, the doc became more confusing then helping.
    This tutorial focused on using the Avatar SDKs sync features and send the updates via Photon. This may be a bit tricky. If you don't use the Avatar kit, using PUN in VR as the same as on other platforms.

    PUN 2 works on Oculus Quest for sure.