Unity.Spawn slots and view


Im developing multiplayer cards game in UNITY and using in my scene table object with 5 chairs objects for 5 players and 1 camera.
Is it possible to spawn all players so that they can see the view from a single camera but sit in different chairs?
For example, I have scene like on photo https://ibb.co/2tWWVtM.
If I’m first or second or fourth player who connected in room, I’m spawned on chair 1 and seeing another 4 players on chairs 2,3,4,5.
If Another players first or second or fourth players who connected in room, They must spawned on chair 1 and seeing me and 3 another players on chairs 2,3,4,5. Etc.?


  • Yosefxhero
    You can do this by creating 5 different spawn points. Attach a script to them to detect if they are taken. When the game starts spawn that players to the next available spawn point. For the camera, make a script and put it in a empty gameoobject. In this script just do Photon.Instantiate and spawn the camera. The camera will be owned by the masterclient but dont put any controls on it and you will be fine.