Bolt Assets


Good day,

Let's say I want to make a game where I'll have 10 different cars with weapons on the roof. Later there will be 10 more cars as downloadable bundle assets. How can I better setup it in Bolt Assets window and in general ? Should I create different collections of Assets (how?). I see only one single list of states, events etc.

Also, I'd like to make it working using cloud and LAN (have a simple UI switch to change at startup) - I assume its not a problem for Bolt ?



  • Update: so I actually found - you can click on a state's right side icon and there is "New Group" = ) I believe if there will be no states in a group - this group will be auto-deleted.

    Still, the question is how to organize game objects if you have many prefabs of cars and each car has own sub-game-objects with transforms and other things (should it be inside "objects" section of Bolt's Assets Window ?) Can I generate everything I see in Bolt Assets window by code ?

  • stanchion

    All of your Car Entities can use the same state, or a few if convenient. You can instantiate assets relevant to a specific truck at runtime, or use pooling to have full control of Bolt's loading and of prefabs.