oculus avatar sdk tutorial help

I've been trying to get my head around the Oculus Avatar SDK tutorial,
and have gone through a number of previous questions on this topic in the forum... but still blocked.

I'm very new to Unity and PUN, but have an average grasp of programming. I'm looking to create an Oculus GO/Quest demo, with just 2 avatars (local first person, remote third person) in a basic area with head movement etc over the network from the 'remote' avatar. I made the assumption that the tutorial above covers everything that is required to get me to that point through PUN connection, Oculus Avatar etc. Maybe my first question should be, is that a correct assumption? Or does this tutorial build on other tutorials?

My current Unity hierarchy setup consists of a simple 'plain' to stand on, a network Manager Object with the NetworkManager C# from the tutorial, a RemoteAvatar prefab linked to the AvatarPhotonView script from the tutorial, a OVRPlayerController (instead of the main camera) with an eventual child LocalAvatar prefab again linked to the AvatarPhotonView. I've setup PUN and Oculus User and App ID's.

When I build and run, the avatars are present - The local avatar - I can see and move the head and hands, however the remote avatar while visible does not move when I have two copies of the app running (Go and Quest). No errors are showing which is partly why I want to clarify that my assumption about the tutorial is correct. Am I missing something important? or have just hooked it up incorrectly.

Does anyone have the basic avatar tutorial unity project running or available?
Thanks for your time


  • TyrokaFX
    I have the same problem. Hand and body movement is correct. But moving the whole avatar doesnt work.
    Let me know if you find the reason :)
  • I'm not sure if that is the same problem I have.

    My local avatar appears to work just fine (and can move around with the quest controllers), however the Remote avatar, while visible, has no hands and the head does not move at all (assuming the connection to photon started when the two versions of the app are running).
    I've tried implementing again with a fresh setup (unity 2019.2.6f1, Oculus Integration 1.41 and PUN 2.15) but the exact same issue.

    In the networkManager script if InstantiateVrAvatarEventCode is any other valid value, does it need to match anything that is set in the inspector?

    public class NetworkManager : MonoBehaviour, IMatchmakingCallbacks, IOnEventCallback
    public const byte InstantiateVrAvatarEventCode = 1; // example code, change to any value between 1 and 199

    any ideas on how to test or troubleshoot the various parts would be greatly appreciated.
  • TyrokaFX
    This part is working fine for me... and i found a solution for the not moving problem. I added a PhotonTransformView to the local and remote avatar and dropped it in the observed components list.

    So if the local avatar moves the remote avatar moves aswell but head, body and hands arent moving?
    Do you want to show me your project so i can have a look?
  • VRAmbassador
    edited November 2019
    Hi there. Can anybody explain me on wich GameObject i should put the networkManager-script created in this demo?

    I don't understand why they didn't explain that. The PhotonViewAvatar Component ist on the Avatars of course. Bute nobody tells us where to put the Networkmanager for the manually Instatiate thing :) Thx to all repliers!
  • TyrokaFX
    I think it does not matter where. Just create an empty GameObject for it and attach the networkManager script to it
  • TyrokaFX said:

    I think it does not matter where. Just create an empty GameObject for it and attach the networkManager script to it

    First, Thank you for your quick reply :)

    I did. But it doesnt work. I did one in the multiplayer scene so i thougt there will be the OnJoinRoom event. Nothing happen. It will not instantiate any of the Avatars (Remote or Local) at all.

    Has everybody made this tuto runnable? Maybe share some code?
  • Jerem
    edited December 2019

    VRAmbassador said : I did. But it doesnt work. I did one in the multiplayer scene so i thougt there will be the OnJoinRoom event. Nothing happen. It will not instantiate any of the Avatars (Remote or Local) at all.

    Hi !

    I have same issue, I followed getting start tutorial and Oculus Avatar too but nothing happen.

    Do you find any solution ?

    Local Avatar should be attached to player prefab (OVRCameraRig or OVRPlayerController) ? I supposed not because Network Manager should instantiate it.

  • ilanbps
    I've been trying to get my head around the Oculus Avatar SDK tutorial,
    and have gone through a number of previous questions on this topic in the forum... but still blocked.

    I'm very new to Unity and PUN, but have an average grasp of programming. I'm looking to create an Oculus GO/Quest demo, with just 2 avatars (local first person, remote third person) in a basic area with head movement etc over the network from the 'remote' avatar. I made the assumption that the tutorial above covers everything that is required to get me to that point through PUN connection, Oculus Avatar etc. Maybe my first question should be, is that a correct assumption? Or does this tutorial build on other tutorials?

    My current Unity hierarchy setup consists of a simple 'plain' to stand on, a network Manager Object with the NetworkManager C# from the tutorial, a RemoteAvatar prefab linked to the AvatarPhotonView script from the tutorial, a OVRPlayerController (instead of the main camera) with an eventual child LocalAvatar prefab again linked to the AvatarPhotonView. I've setup PUN and Oculus User and App ID's.

    When I build and run, the avatars are present - The local avatar - I can see and move the head and hands, however the remote avatar while visible does not move when I have two copies of the app running (Go and Quest). No errors are showing which is partly why I want to clarify that my assumption about the tutorial is correct. Am I missing something important? or have just hooked it up incorrectly.

    Does anyone have the basic avatar tutorial unity project running or available?
    Thanks for your time

    I'm facing same problem, both local and remote avatar are loaded in room. I can move local or Remote head, hand et. but can't show mouvment of other.

    I' have some debug trace and same error for my 2 oculus quest :
    OnLocalAvatarPacketRecorded = notReadyForSerialization

    this part of :
    public void OnLocalAvatarPacketRecorded(object sender, OvrAvatar.PacketEventArgs args)


    Any idea what'is wrong ?