Difference PUN2 Free and PUN2+ ?

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2019-10-04 16:06:41

1 Could you enumerate the difference between PUN2 Free and PUN2+ please ?

"Photon Unity Networking 2 - PLUS Version - includes 100 concurrent user Photon Cloud plan for 60 months"
What does that mean ? and "concurrent" ?

  1. If i start my game on PUN2 Free, can i change later for PUN2 + ? the change doesnt will destroy my code ? or its easy to migrate or for very advanced ?

Thank you.


2019-10-07 07:24:25

Technically they are the same.
The only difference is, that PUN2+ includes 100 ccu for one appid for 60 months in our Photon Cloud.
It gives the same features as the 100 ccu plan listed on our site - https://www.photonengine.com/en-US/PUN/pricing

2019-10-07 07:34:12

Ok thank you.

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