Can't join the same room when connected "remotely"

edited March 2012 in Photon Server
I'm trying to set up the photon service on my local computer to continue development after the cloud trial ends and I have everything working great except for a very odd issue that I'm hoping someone can help me out with. Here it is:

I have configured my router to forward ports 5055, 5056 and 5057 to my computer at those same ports. I have used my router's ip address in the GameServer dll.config files (* for anonymity):
            <setting name="MasterIPAddress" serializeAs="String">
            <setting name="PublicIPAddress" serializeAs="String">
            <setting name="GamingTcpPort" serializeAs="String">
            <setting name="GamingUdpPort" serializeAs="String">
            <setting name="ConnectReytryInterval" serializeAs="String">
            <setting name="OutgoingMasterServerPeerPort" serializeAs="String">
            <setting name="LatencyMonitorAddress" serializeAs="String">

I've set up the PhotonServerSettings asset with this same ip address, host type SelfHosted and App ID: InstanceLoadBalancing.

There is no problem that I can see in connecting to the master server and then joining a room, however when I start another client and look for the room that was just created there is none. It seems like the room that gets created is hidden from all other clients.

That is the basic problem. I have tried this exact same setup with my local ip address and it works properly (I can run the client on two different machines within my local network and join the same room). It is only when I try to use my router's ip address that I face this issue.

Any ideas?

Edit: I put remotely in quotations in the title because I am doing all testing inside the network of my router at the moment. I need it to work inside and outside though.



  • Is there any information I can add that would help to diagnose this problem?

  • dreamora
    masteripaddress is meant to be unless you moved it to a different server machine and even then its meant to be the LAN internal IP, not the public external IP.
  • Much appreciated dreamora, I must have misread the instructions.
  • After changing MasterIPAddress back to my local ip instead of the routers, I was able to join the same room as another client but not in exactly the same way as when I was also using my local ip for the PublicIPAddress.

    The process I have is that the player first connects to photon, which eventually connects to the lobby. Then I move to a new scene which connects to a new room if none exist, otherwise connects to a random room.

    I'm finding that now that I am using my router's ip address, I must have a room created before connecting to photon in order for the new client to join that room. Since this is different from the earlier behavior I would like to understand why and change it if possible.

    To summarize:

    Process (using router ip):
    Client one connects to lobby
    Client two connects to lobby
    Client one creates a new room
    Client two looks for room, can't find it, creates a new room

    Old Process (using localhost):
    Client one connects to lobby
    Client two connects to lobby
    Client one creates a new room
    Client two looks for room, finds it, joins

    Process (using router ip):
    Client one connects to lobby
    Client one creates a new room
    Client two connects to lobby
    Client two looks for room, finds it, joins

    Old Process (using localhost):
    Client one connects to lobby
    Client one creates a new room
    Client two connects to lobby
    Client two looks for room, finds it, joins

    Any ideas?

  • For anyone with a similar problem I think it was just an issue with my local server being slower to report new rooms than the cloud was. I updated to the latest version of photon and the problem seems to have gone away.

  • Tobias
    Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Yes, we found some issues with the updating of room-lists recently and the latest server might work much better and faster than previous ones.