I am having receiving Masterclient error from Photon Unity Classic


I am running Unity 2017.4.6f1 and the latest version of PUN classic from the asset store.
Trying to integrate Photon on an old project and receiving an error from this line if (!this.CurrentRoom.serverSideMasterClient) this.CheckMasterClient(-1); in NetworkPeer.cs at line 1293. I believe it stems from this section of code from Room.cs
protected internal int MasterClientId { get { return this.MasterClientId; } set { this.MasterClientId = value; } }

I am having trouble understanding this issue directly since it is pure PUN networking not my typical coding expertise. I just know C# and how to implement the core of Photon. I belive it is from this.MasterClientId = value specifically value What is a fix to this issue? Any help would be much appreciated :)