Join room between two countries
The whole answer can be found below.
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Join room between two countries
2019-08-21 14:42:00
I'm using pun 2 and I to join room between two countries. When I'm trying it two countries, it's not connecting.
Is there anything need to setup for that? Please let me know the possible way. Trying to create room in the US and join from India. But not able to join. I have used join random room and if there is no room found then it creates new room.
Thank in advance
Hi @Apurva,
Clients connected to two different regions cannot play with each other.
Use a fixed region in server settings if you want all players to connect to the same region.
Or let players exchange region information outside of Photon and then connect to the same region in order to play together.
Is there any reference link for fixed region server setting?
You can find it here.
2022-05-05 15:20:36
hum, not sure to understand, that's not clear @JohnTube .When you say:
"Clients connected to two different regions cannot play with each other.", do you mean NEVER "cannot play" together?
If a user is located in Italy and wants to play with a Us user:
does he have to choose a fixed region = "us", even he's in Italy, to be able to connect correctly?
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