How to use Photon to sync Tilemaps between players?

I have had some issues for quite a while now, trying to figure out how to synchronize a tilemap between multiple players in a Photon network, since there is no way to get the individual tiles as objects or some sort of list. Tilemaps seems very restricted and the amount of documentation is very restricted, especially with Photon. Does anyone have any experience with that matter or at least with Photon at all? I'm kind of a newbie with it, so forgive me, if I don't immediately get it.


  • DarkJoltGames
    DarkJoltGames ✭✭
    edited November 2019
    Actively altering Tilemaps during Runtime is very hard to do, and unless your tilemap is a fixed background, I would just use a GameObject system, and write some kind of grid snap script for the instantiated object, if adding new tiles or removing them is what you're going for. However, if you want to switch the look of the tilemap,, then you should have many tilemaps set up behind the primary one, and once the tilemap changes, disable the top one, and enable another one that is slightly different. Do all of this using an RPC of course.