Connection failure

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2019-08-06 00:53:02

is photon server by any chance is down ? for some reason since yesterday I cannot connect to the photon server

I debugged the disconnect cause and it gives me a ExceptionOnConnection and according to the documents this means that either the server could be down or not running or the client has no network or a misconfigured DNS I contacted photon support and the assured me that nothing wrong from their side I tried almost everything I created a new project imported pun classic and created a new app id with a new account and tested the demo which comes with the photon package and it gives me the same error I tried to run some old multiplayer projects which use photon and used to work but no luck same doesn't connect I even tried to run a test connection on android to make sure that it has nothing to do with windows I tried to setup the port manually and although I usually let photon choose the best region I tried fixed regions (us,eu,au) and I changed the protocol to tcp but nothing works

has anyone encountered this error before ? or got a solution .

P.S. I am using unity


2019-08-06 10:33:15

Hi @Ibrahim,

Do you still have troubles connecting?

What PUN version are you using?
What Unity version are you using?

How are you connecting to Photon Cloud?

I also moved this discussion to the proper category from JavaScript to PUN.

2019-08-06 13:46:32

I work on unity 2018.3.0ft and usually work with Pun 2 the latest version but when I encountered that connection problem I created a new project and imported pun classic tried to run the demo but it doesn't work either I use ConnectUsingSettings() to connect the cloud

And sorry for putting the discussion in the wrong category but I haven't noticed until I have already submitted it and didn't know how to move it 😅

2019-08-06 15:43:58

Hi @Ibrahim,

Maybe there is a firewall in the network preventing you from connecting.
Try a different network or contact your ISP or network administrator.
The list of ports can be found here.
Or maybe you are in a country where Photon Cloud is unreachable? Are you from Iran by chance?

2019-08-07 13:44:14

hi @JohnTube

so I did as you suggested tried a different network and it did work after all so I am going to contact my isp and see if they are blocking the connection which is very wired I mean they shouldn't do that except I if I asked

And nope I am not Iran I am from Egypt :)
And thanks for the help

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