Synching AnimationClipPlayable


I've so far got transform synching working and am trying to get the animator synching as well.

Specifically the issue is that I am using AnimationClipPlayables to play my animations (required for an unrelated reason).

public void PlayRandomAnim () { graph = PlayableGraph.Create (); graph.SetTimeUpdateMode (DirectorUpdateMode.GameTime); animationClipPlayable = AnimationClipPlayable.Create (graph, animationClip); animationClipPlayable.Play (); // Connect the Playable to an output AnimationPlayableOutput playableOutput = AnimationPlayableOutput.Create (graph, "Animation", animator); playableOutput.SetSourcePlayable (animationClipPlayable); // Plays the Graph. graph.Play (); }

So my question is, are AnimationClipPlayable supported by PUN?