How to predict knockback?

I have an issue which is sown by this video:
As you can see, the knockback on the other client is delayed. I have done as much optimization as I can think of. Because the explosion has been set to be deterministic, I moved all processing of the knockback event to the actual client that is affected, thus the only networked part of the knockback is the clients informing each other they moved through PhotonView.

Even then there is still noticeable lag. So the final think I can think of is to find a way to predict the movement. I am not too sure how to go about this though.

The basic idea is:
- Apply knockback force on each character that is not yours
- You do this to compensate for the lag
- Once the knockback is finished, normalize the position between all clients (basically take the average) so that you ensure the character is in the exact right position.