OperationResponse 230

The whole answer can be found below.

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OperationResponse 230: ReturnCode: 32767

2019-06-21 21:33:39

public static void Connect() {  
            Debug.Log("NetworkManager: " + StaticUtilities.StyleText("Connect", Color.blue, true));  
            PhotonNetwork.GameVersion = Application.version;  

(Using PUN2)
So connecting with PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings(); works fine, however when i try to connect to a specific region, i get this error.

I see it has an issue with the APP id, but even when i use a realtime app id its the same.

If i connect to a region, do i need to do a specific connection setup thats server settings related and not just call PhotonNetwork.ConnectToRegion("us"); ?


2019-06-24 11:55:44

Hi @GLucas,

Only ConnectUsingSettings() is making use of PhotonServerSettings. When using the other connect-methods, the app needs to set AppId and other values manually (and the settings won't override those values).

Find more details in previous discussions.

2019-06-24 23:55:44

This is what a good ol search does. Should know better, my apologies.

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