Clearing Buffered RPCs
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Clearing Buffered RPCs
2019-06-07 19:05:07
Hi, I have sent multiple RPCs (AllBufferedViaServer) and I wanted to know as to when they are cleared from server? Or Is there any way to clear them using some function from masterclient as per my need?
Hi @roshaan,
By default (RoomOptions.CleanupCacheOnLeave = true
) buffered RPCs are cleared when the player leaves the room for good.
You can manually clear buffered RPCs of course using some methods.
PhotonNetwork.OpCleanActorRpcBuffer (int actorNumber)
PhotonNetwork.CleanRpcBufferIfMine (PhotonView view)
PhotonNetwork.OpCleanRpcBuffer (PhotonView view)
for cached events in general:
PhotonNetwork.OpRemoveCompleteCacheOfPlayer (int actorNumber)
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