Several PhotonViews VS one PhotonView updating several gameobjects : which is better ?


I have several object spawners which use PhotonNetwork.Instantiate to spawn objects randomly every 5 to 10 seconds for example. Only the MasterClient calls the Instantiate method. Objects are moving with rigidbody and can be destroyed. There can be about 20 of these objects at the same time.

What is the best way (more performant) to send infos of each GameObject (position, rotation) from MasterClient to other client ? Is it better to have one PhotonView on each GameObject with a component "PhotonRigidbodyView"/"PhotonTransformView" for each of them, or to have only one PhotonView on the "spawner" GameObject , keep a list of all gameobjects instantiated by the spawner, and send positions and rotations of all gameobjects in the list, with a custom IPunObservable ?