Spawning players at position


Im tryin to spawn Player at their specific spawn location.
[Tooltip("The prefab to use for representing the player")]
    public GameObject playerPrefab;

    public List<GameObject> spawnPositions = new List<GameObject>();
The spawnpositions list is actually just two gameobjects which are set on the positions i want to spawn
Im tryin to spawn players like this inside Start method
if (playerPrefab == null)
            Debug.LogError("<Color=Red><a>Missing</a></Color> playerPrefab Reference. Please set it up in GameObject 'Game Manager'", this);
            Debug.LogFormat("We are Instantiating LocalPlayer");
            // we're in a room. spawn a character for the local player. it gets synced by using PhotonNetwork.Instantiate
            GameObject x = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(

            if (x.GetComponent<PhotonView>().OwnerActorNr == 1)
                x.transform.position = spawnPositions[0].transform.position;
            if (x.GetComponent<PhotonView>().OwnerActorNr == 2)
                x.transform.position = spawnPositions[1].transform.position;

But the problem is , the Player1 which is MasterClient , is spawning right. On the exact spot i need him to.
But the second one is spawning on spot which makes literally no sense.
Anyone could help ?