Cannot Join the Same Room

I have a created a simple multiplayer test code.
This is the intended flow of the whole game:

1. Connect to Master
2. Connect to a random Room
3. If no room exists, create a new one.

Problem of this is that 2 clients cannot see each other's room even if it's already created.
I purposely exported a build of the game so that it will function as another client. When I run the game on Unity first, it will create a new room since no room existed yet, however when I run my exported game moments after creating the room in Unity, I still get a "no room existed" and then the exported creates a new empty room - so there are actually 2 rooms now in total.

I tried creating a specific named room yet still, the same problem happens. Here's my code:

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    using Photon.Pun;
    using Photon.Realtime;
    using TMPro;
    using UnityEngine.UI;
    using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
    namespace KingReigns
        public class connectorHandler : MonoBehaviourPunCallbacks
            public bool isConnectingToMaster;
            public bool isConnectingToRoom;
            public bool isConnectedToServer;
            public TMP_Text txtStatus;
            private GameObject btnConnectMaster, btnConnectRoom;
            #region START
            private void Start()
                isConnectingToMaster = false;
                isConnectingToRoom = false;
                isConnectedToServer = false;
                txtStatus.text = "Not Connected";

            #region UPDATE
            private void Update()
                if(btnConnectMaster !=null && btnConnectRoom != null)
                    if (!isConnectedToServer)
            #region ONCLICK_CONNECTMASTER
            public void OnClick_ConnectToMaster()
                PhotonNetwork.OfflineMode = false;
                PhotonNetwork.NickName = "Proto1";
                PhotonNetwork.GameVersion = "v1";
                isConnectingToMaster = true;
                isConnectedToServer = false;
                txtStatus.text = "Connecting to Server";
            #region CONNECTION OUTCOMES
            public override void OnConnectedToMaster()
                isConnectingToMaster = false;
                isConnectedToServer = true;
                txtStatus.text = "Welcome to PlayRoom " + PhotonNetwork.NickName;
            public override void OnDisconnected(DisconnectCause cause)
                isConnectingToMaster = false;
                isConnectedToServer = false;
                txtStatus.text = "Connection to Server Failed!";
            #region ONCLICK_ROOM
            public void onClick_ConnectToRoom()
                //Checkpoint <- if not connected
                isConnectingToRoom = true;
                txtStatus.text = "Connecting to a Room";
            #region JOIN ROOM OUTCOMES
            public override void OnJoinedRoom()
                isConnectingToRoom = false;
                txtStatus.text = "Connected! Players: " + PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.PlayerCount + " | Master: " + PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient + " | Name: " + PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.Name;
            public override void OnJoinRandomFailed(short returnCode, string message)
                // !!!!!!!  TEMPORARY !!!!!!! \\
                // !!!! CREATE A ROOM LATER !!!! \\
                base.OnJoinRandomFailed(returnCode, message);
                PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom(null, new RoomOptions { MaxPlayers = 5, IsVisible = true });
            public override void OnJoinRoomFailed(short returnCode, string message)
                base.OnJoinRoomFailed(returnCode, message);
                PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom("protoroom1", new RoomOptions { MaxPlayers = 5 });
            public override void OnCreateRoomFailed(short returnCode, string message)
                base.OnCreateRoomFailed(returnCode, message);
                txtStatus.text = "Create Room Failed!";
            IEnumerator ForwardToRoom()
                yield return new WaitForSeconds(3);
        }//End: Class
    }//End: Namespace

EDIT: I'm using Photon v2.11


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @DKReigns,

    Thank you for choosing Photon!

    I think you have posted an answer to this on a different discussion.
  • RK_Rathod042
    - it's simple follow this steps:
    - step 1 check your cloud region name (e.g. eu is your cloud region name)
    - step 2 check your other player cloud region name , if other player cloud region is not same so goto unity editor -> window -> photon server setting (highlight setting) then under dev region inputfield enter "eu".
    - step 3 start game print logs about current open names, and check room list is updating or not.
    - Now you connect in same room