[Question] LoadLevel with a delayed switch of scenes

Hey guys,

I am trying to get a working loading bar with the AsyncOperation in the SceneManager namespace. That way I can update the loading bar with the state of the preloading of the next scene. That is all good - when the players load the next scene they switch to the targeted scene.

However, in that case the Application.LoadLevel is used and not PhotonNetwork.LoadLevel. This brings some issues even though PhotonNetwork.automaticallySyncScene is set to true in the Start().

- The client does not see the master's owned objects (player prefab in my case)
- The master sees the client's instantiated prefab but also sees another 'frozen' prefab on instantiation.

If I erase all of the progressbar loading and just load the scene with PhotonNetwork.LoadLevel() everything works. Both master and client can see each other without any issues but then when async loading is used only for the purpose of loading the scene beforehand with a loading bar representation, the aforementioned issues appear.

Any ideas how to tackle asyncoperation with photon level loading while being able to still show loading bar percentages?
